Friday, July 8, 2016

Why Megatron Retired, in His Own Words

When I heard Megatron was retiring, I was a bit surprised. He was relatively young at 30, still able to take some plays.

Anyway, he gave interview recently on posted below, really shed some light.

I respect his decision, as he wanted to take care of himself for the future. Football is a dangerous, physical game, and he made his choice. No one doubts of his contribution. An alternativ is to access the video listed below.
The Videos

Monday, July 4, 2016

First Random Thoughts on Current NFL Affairs

Well, here is some fresh thoughts from the oven

  1. Is Deflategate over yet? :P
  2. Come on Mr Fitzpatrick and the Jets, play nice and make up will ya. Both of you need each other.
  3. Arizona Cardinals 2015 season on HBO. Heard some good vibes about them.
  4. I really Johnny Manziel to get well soon and play football, wherever that is.
  5. The Cleveland curse is over! No more excuses Browns.

More random thoughts soon......